How to Repair Water Damaged Ceilings

re-plastering a water damaged wall

What starts out as just a small issue can soon balloon into a much larger issue. A small stain becomes a bubble which then gets larger and causes water damage. A water damaged ceiling can be a health threat due to mold and could even weaken the house’s foundation. Repairing the damaged part early-on is the smartest way to go, and here is how to do it:

Steps for Repairing Water Damaged Ceilings

Find the Source of the Water Damage

To start, you have to look for the source. You may need to gather clues. Is it weather-related and only occurs when there is inclement weather? Trace the water to find where it is seeping in. Sometimes a clogged gutter or cracked shingle could be the culprit. If the leak is located near a bathroom, there could be a burst pipe or other issue.

Remove the Damaged Sections

Next, to repair the water damaged ceiling, you’ll need to remove the damaged sections of the ceiling. Protect the area below by placing a plastic tarp to prevent damaging the floor. Be sure to thoroughly investigate and find any wet spots. Dry the area completely to prevent mold development in the future. Removing the wet material can sometimes be dangerous, so also be sure to wear safety gear such as eye protection and a mask to protect the lungs.

Repairing the Water Damaged Ceiling

Once the source of the water leak has been dealt with, the next step is to fix it up. Depending on the size of the water-damaged area, this may be simple or complicated. You may need to just patch a small hole, or you may need to replace an entire wall.

Don’t forget that if the problem is larger than you can handle, call a professional. For bigger damages, you are not going to be able to handle the problem on your own. Reoccurring leaks, contaminated water and evidence of mold are indicators that a professional is needed.

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