Sources of Water Damage


Water can do a lot more damage in your home than you think, no matter how small the amount. Water damage comes in a variety of forms, but one of the most well-known type of damage is the flooding of a home. After heavy rainfall or storm, there are cases where the water level rises high enough for any flooding outside to cross the threshold of your home. While flooding and storm damage can cause the greatest impact on your home when it comes to water damage, there are other ways that the damage can occur without a single drop of rain. Here are other ways that water can affect your home:

  • Leaking appliances – Sometimes, dishwashers and refrigerators decide that they’re down on their last leg, and may start leaking after prolonged use. Water from these types of leaks can easily go unnoticed since most of the leak can only be found behind the appliance. If not checked frequently, any standing water from these leaks can cause mold spore growths and even floor damage.
  • Leaking plumbing – It’s a lot easier to notice a leaky faucet or pipes than it is an appliance. However, the mistake many people make is to put off any repair for a later time. While it may seem like a good idea to place a bucket under the source of the leak and call it a day, it’s easy to forget that the leak is even there in the first place. The bucket can overflow with water, which can cause a lot of damage to the cabinetry if the leak is located under a sink. In addition, the leak could become worse the more you use whatever the pipes are connected to. Call a plumber or fix the leak yourself as soon as you notice something wrong to reduce any of these risks.
  • Overflowing sinks, bathtubs, or toilets–This is probably one of the more obvious of water damage threats to the home. While a mop and bucket are the primary ways to recover the floor after something overflows, it’s important to take a look at the extent of the damage the water has had on it. Depending on how long it takes for you to notice the sink or bathtub overflowing, and how soon you begin to mop up the excess water, the damage can increase significantly in just a short amount of time. Check for any signs that water may have seeped through or under the floor, or has gotten to other parts of the house.
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