Home Maintenance You Should Take Care of Before the School Year

Girl wiping window and smiling down at another girl

It seems like just yesterday summer was starting. Unfortunately, it is almost over! With a new school year quickly approaching, parents all around Houston are going to be a lot busier. So what can you do before the school year starts to get ahead on home maintenance? Take a look at these tips brought to you by Lone Star Pro Services in Houston, Texas:

Gutters – Summer is a great time for your gutters and downspouts to get clogged with leaves and other debris. If your gutters are full, it could cause them to pull away from the house. Full gutters can also lead to water damage, foundation erosion, and other costly repairs.

Roof – The summer heat and storms can also wreak havoc on your roof, resulting in missing or loosened shingles. If you notice any signs of damage to your shingles or roof, it may be time to call someone. Damage to your roof can result in costly water leaks, damage and even mold!

Screens/Windows – During the summer, pollen, dirt and other debris get stuck all over windows and screens, causing them to look dingy and gross while limiting natural light. Remove your screens and thoroughly clean them then wipe away the debris on your windows. This will get your windows looking fresh and bright, allowing you to utilize the beautiful, natural sunlight.

Fireplace – As summer comes to an end and temperatures start to drop, fireplaces become a big hit. Before lighting up the logs, make sure your chimney and vents are completely cleaned and functioning properly. Fireplaces that are not maintained properly can result in fires and carbon monoxide exposure.

Water Heater – Everyone likes a warm shower, so making sure your water heater is in good condition before temperatures drop is always a good idea!

HVAC System – It may seem a bit premature but colder months mean longer waits for heating repair. Before the winter rush, have your HVAC system evaluated and make sure it is working properly. This will save you from freezing during the winter if your system messes up and every HVAC company is busy!

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